Sho Mag

On The Spot Light 'Lee Da Cocktail'

As we are about to close off August which is Women’s Month. We have decided not only to place Ladies who are part of the South African House Music scene on the Spot Light only for this month, but as Sho!Mag we have decided to open up a series where we will do interviews and continue to place Ladies on the Spot Light even when August is done. Because we believe that true talent should not only be highlighted only during this month but should be an ongoing process.

With that in mind, we will begin our series of interviews by having ‘Lee Da Cocktail’ over and hear what she had to say about her personal journey through House Music. Not only is she a phenomenal talent behind the decks, but she has proven to be also a savvy lady when it comes to music business. As she is also the co-founder of Sekhukhune Deep House Festival which is a three day deep house event hosted in Sekhukhune, South Africa.

Now that is out of the way let’s get the business done and hear what ‘Lee Da Cocktail’ had to say on our ‘one on one’ with her…

Sho!Mag: Lee Da Cocktail is a name you are known by in the music circle right? And what is your birth name and where is Lee Da Cocktail from?

Lee Da Cocktail: Confidence Ratau (24), born and bred in Limpopo Province.Sekhukhune, Schoonoord Village.

Sho!Mag: Also, the stage name ‘Lee Da Cocktail’ is unique and I must say it’s the kind of a name that sticks out. How did that name come about and what made you choose to use that stage name?

Lee Da Cocktail: ‘Lee’ was given by an old friend. ‘Da’ was inspired by Vinny ‘Da’Vinci, ‘Cocktail’ as you know it’s a mixture of alcoholic drinks. Not that I’m an alcoholic(laughs). I used to love mixing coldrinks and fruit juices when I was younger. So I just put the name together and created a brand out of it. Like the saying goes, You have to be odd to be unique”.I wanted to be stand out and be unique. That’s why I chose and ran with it.

Sho!Mag: For someone who knows nothing about you. What is it that you do in the Music Industry?

Lee Da Cocktail: I entertain, inspire and motivate those who love art or eager to learn more about the industry. Both males and females.


Sho!Mag: They say ‘Music Is A Very Risky Business’ and there are limited rewards within this industry. Do you agree with that or not and why?

Lee Da Cocktail: Every business is risky  Like opening a tuckshop or boutique. You have to believe in yourself,your business that after few months or years, it’ll be recognized. That’s also Faith. So imagine if we were afraid of taking risks due to failure, we wouldn’t be where we are today. To answer the question, I fully disagree. BELIEVE, FAITH, HARD WORK.

Sho!Mag: When did you notice that you that you wanted to be a deejay and what brought about that decision to be a deejay?

Lee Da Cocktail:  I’m not going to mention “when I was 5 years old,I knew blah blah blah…” kind’a story. I never knew I wanted to be one. It only came about when I was 17 old, I was still in my matric, 2010. I used to claim that I’m a DJ  (chuckles). Bragged to my friends how good I was. So I used the saying,“Fake it till you make it”. I also believe that, all what I’m doing is a gift. When GOD shows you the path that you were born to walk on, walk slowly on it and never look back. That’s what I did. Make it your priority,protect it,nurture it.Sho!Mag: I have heard stories about it being hard to get into the Deejaying scene and the Music Industry in general. How has it been for you? And were there any hurdles worth mentioning you had to leap over so as to break into the Music Scene?

Lee Da Cocktail: It has its own ups and downs.Breakdowns and breakthroughs. Just Like the moon and the Sun. Rain and some sunshine. It’s up to you as a brand or an individual why you to be part of the industry. For me,I’ve faced challenges and still facing them. But one thing I can tell you,REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED! I always remind myself why I got into the industry, everytime I feel the heat. And then I go back to the drawing board. And,I’ve never thought of giving up.

Sho!Mag: I must say that competition is fierce within the Deejaying Scene with a lot of extremely talented deejays within this scene. What is that ‘thing’ which sets you apart from the rest?

Lee Da Cocktail: Self-confidence and perseverance. I am LEE DA COCKTAIL and I play like LEE DA COCKTAIL. Although I’ve been confused, rather complimented on how I play like a “authi” (man) behind decks. Still, I am ME, SHE, HER and not intimidating any one.Yes,I am inspired by few DJs, whom I know personally.


Sho!Mag: How would you describe your perfect ‘set’? What kind of music does Lee Da Cocktail play during her ‘set’? While you at it, what kind of music do you listen to when you just ‘chillin’ at home or just ‘vibing’ with your friends.

Lee Da Cocktail: Perfect set is when you rectify your mistakes. i.e. Misbeating, they call it “horses”. Perfect set is when you get off the stage an have few followers compliment your style of music. Perfect set when the crowd responds to your music,both negatively and positively.So,there are no perfect sets for me. (Chuckles).

Sho!Mag: Are there any musical projects you are currently involved in or in the pipeline and what can we the ‘masses’ expect from Lee Da Cocktail in the not so distant future?

Lee Da Cocktail: I have few movements that I’ll be hosting. I’ve recently hosted #RememberSHE events, for female DJs supported by the males. I don’t like announcing things before they are implemented. I just attack when they least expect it. Meaning, expect the grown LEE DA COCKTAIL.Sho!Mag: I have noticed that most musicians have something they would want to be membered by. What would you want Lee Da Cocktail to be remembered by?

Lee Da Cocktail: Remember SHE. Remember HER. Remember ME for my mistakes, my passion, my love, my support and generosity to people. Remember ME for my silence towards negativity. Remember my crazy dance moves behind the decks. Remember ME for my struggle and hustle.




?: 0818787064


Instagram: @lee_dacocktail

Twitter: @Lee_DaCocktail